Sunday, March 3, 2013

The Planning Commences

"Honey, you can be as involved or not involved as you want to be in planning our wedding." Except the dress. No boys allowed for that one. Obviously.

Right away, he told me he didn't care about flowers or decorations, as long as we have a fun wedding. That works for me. I know what flowers I like, and I can pick colors and decorations from there. 

Band or DJ? We agree that a DJ would be more fun, and he has a friend who's a DJ. Check that one off the list--easy.

Plated dinner or buffet? Buffets are less formal, and therefore more fun. That was easy, too.

Date? Check.

Honeymoon spot? Check.

Location? This one isn't so easy. We only have about six months before our date (spoiler), so a lot of venues have already been booked. I want to get a location locked in as soon as possible so we don't end up with someplace boring or tacky. My honey can only look at so many pictures of venues before getting bored and apathetic, but still wants to participate in the decision-making process. I feel like I'm starting to nag, which I hate just as much as I'm sure he does. My options: nag until something gets done (unappealing), make the decision on my own (plausible, but don't want the honey to feel left out), wait and possibly get stuck with a second-rate location (also unappealing), hope his attention span for venue photos is higher after a good night's sleep or winning at a friendly game of cribbage (crossing fingers that this works)...

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