Saturday, March 23, 2013

The Big Picture

It's been a while, but I finally talked to my sister. She wanted to know everything that's going on with me, but first I wanted to know everything that's going on with her (baby sister's privilege). She and her husband and my niece and nephew are moving clear to the other side of the country in a few months. They finalized their decision earlier this week by enrolling the kids in schools over there for the fall. My sister rushed through all the details as quickly as she could. "Okay. Your turn."


She thinks that my upcoming wedding is a bigger deal than her uprooting her family and moving 3,000 miles. I disagree.

Yes, mine is a big life event. I am linking my life with that of another person. I know that's a big deal. That being said, I don't know that it will have that huge of an impact on my day to day existence. My honey and I already live together. We share a Netflix account and an iTunes account. We take turns walking the dog and doing the dishes. Our finances will probably be the biggest change: we'll open a joint bank account (at his bank, because they have better interest rates than mine does) and I'll get more money back on my taxes.

Somewhere down the line, we'll (hopefully) have kids. That, I'm pretty sure, will be a bigger life-changer than tying the knot. As would moving 3,000 miles.

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