Saturday, November 30, 2013

The Family Plan

My honey and I didn't mean to go shopping on Black Friday. Honestly. But when his cell phone died the evening before Thanksgiving, we weren't really left with a choice (we don't have a home phone, like any modern couple that successfully resists "bundling"). We'd already decided which carrier we would use for setting up our joint cell phone account, so we headed to the Verizon store after I got off work on Black Friday. The store was overpopulated with employees hyped up on RedBull from the rush of shoppers they'd experienced earlier in the day.

After an hour of working with one of the hyperactive employees, we had learned about the Black Friday competition happening between our local Verizon stores, decided on our our new (not matching) phones, and figured out how to get me off of my Mummy's family plan. My honey and I left the store with a bunch of free goodies and a brand new family plan, complete with data sharing. Because sharing is caring.

Wednesday, November 20, 2013


On average, married people are happier than unmarried people. Why?

Happy people may be more likely to get and stay married than unhappy people. But there's more to it than that. 

A married couple is a team. Being part of a team can reduce stress. But there's more.

A person may feel that marriage provides meaning to his or her life. But there's more.

People who are married have someone who, at the end of the day, will be there no matter what. There's still more.

Some people say that simply being married makes you happy. But I disagree. Each individual is responsible for his or her own happiness: the only person who can make you happy is you. That being said, married people are accountable to their spouses about their happiness as much as about anything else, including their finances. If you are unhappy, that will affect your spouse, and if you love your spouse, you will not want him to be a victim of your unhappiness.

Maybe accountability and responsibility are the reasons that married people tend to be happier. Maybe that's just my take on it. Every marriage is different, after all.

Monday, November 4, 2013


I had thought that our wedding would be more or less the finale to the process of getting married. I was wrong.

We have our marriage certificate (and certified copies, just in case).

I have my new social security card. And my new driver's license and passport. We opened a joint savings account. And apparently that was the easy part. I still have to update my credit cards and other bills (not that anyone questions Bonnie Beckman versus Bonnie Beckman Spear when I have to pull out ID for a credit card purchase). And at some point we have to consolidate our cell phone plans and car insurance. How romantic.