Friday, July 12, 2013


I met with a Florist. Finally.

When I got to the flower shop, it wasn't what I expected. There were fake flowers outside (oh, no) and very few actual flowers on display anywhere in the shop. And none of the flowers I saw in my scan of the shop were even remotely tropical (which are pretty much the only flowers I want). At this point, I was feeling more than a little apprehensive. Or maybe skeptical would be a better word.

I sat down with the Florist in her office (a bright yellow, which was slightly reassuring) and she had me fill out a general form. Then we got to the juicy stuff. I showed her a photo of the bouquet I want. She wanted to know how I wanted the bouquet wrapped. Honestly, that hadn't even registered on my list of Important Things, so I told her to keep it simple. She didn't like my idea for bridesmaid bouquets, but her counter-idea was reasonable, so I told her to go with that. Is there a flower girl? I don't know. Corsages for the Moms? I don't know.

I said I had two kinds of flowers I wanted for the Big Day: the ones in the bouquet and one other variety. She had never heard of the other variety and disagreed with my Plan for both the ceremony space and the centerpieces. 

All in all, it was not a hugely successful meeting. But I may have limited options in terms of Florists that will be available for the Big Day in six weeks. We shall see.

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