Saturday, May 7, 2016

Finding Happiness

In honor of today being Mother's Day, and because I'm going to become one in five short months, I've decided to take this blog in somewhat of a new direction. 

My hubby and I have chosen to live our lives differently than most of our (especially my) peers. Instead of idealizing a life in the suburbs, we've decided that we would be much happier moving out of civilization and into nature, which is why we have made our home in the woods. Literally. This is our backyard:

Pretty awesome, right?

Anyhoo, I grew up in the suburbs and living in the woods has definitely been a learning experience for me. And, I'm hoping, that it can also be a learning experience for anyone else who thinks they might be interested in taking the plunge that I'm taking. Or maybe my experience will give you the confidence to take your own plunge in your own search for happiness. 

From here on, let's focus on making improvements. Making improvements to our home, our diet, our feelings of self-sufficiency, our happiness, and whatever else we can improve to make our lives, our family, and our planet better.