Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Start a fire

On warm, sunny days like today, it's so easy to be productive. Even taking frequent breaks so I don't over exert myself (not something I worried about before I started growing another human), I've already finished two (albeit small) painting projects, cleaned up the yard, gathered some firewood, washed the dishes, and done a load of laundry. And there's still another 5+ hours of daylight (okay, 4 now... The Avengers was on tv). Have I mentioned that I'm solar powered?

Even in sunny Southern California, days aren't always warm and/or sunny. This past weekend, we got an inch of much-needed rain. But, I'll admit, it's hard for me to want to get anything done when it's gray outside. Especially if it's chilly, too. Like I said, I'm solar powered. 

When it's chilly, I tend to huddle up with whichever warm bodies are readily available (any combination of hubby, dog, and kitties). Over the chilly, damp weekend, my hubby got the fireplace going to the point where I was comfy in just a t-shirt. Until I needed to take the dog out, obviously. 

The point is, I was warm enough to be productive, at least a little bit. And I worked on something that's going to help me be warm next time it's chilly and damp out. In less than an hour and for almost free, I made 84 fire starters. How, you ask? Let me show you!

First, gather all your supplies: as many cardboard egg cartons as you have (free), sawdust from cutting firewood (also free), candle wax (I got 10 pounds of wax on Amazon for less than $20, which is enough to make more than a year's worth of fire starters), and a double boiler (which prevents the wax from behaving badly while you melt it).

On the kitchen counter, fill each egg carton well with sawdust. 

Then, melt the wax in the double boiler (I think I spent $10 on my double boiler, and I only use it for melting wax, which means I literally never clean it. Hooray!). See the melty wax in the middle?

Pour enough melted wax on top of the sawdust to almost fill each well. 

Here's the tough part: let them cool on the kitchen counter until the wax is hard (tough for me because this literally takes up ALL of the counter space in my tiny kitchen). 

That's it! They might not be the prettiest fire starters, but trust me, popping one of these little guys in the fireplace under some tinder (little pieces of wood, for you city dwellers) is SO much easier than crumpling up every piece of scrap paper you can find! And cheaper than the store-bought fire starters (that don't work as well, anyway). I'll follow up with instructions for how to use your homemade fire starters next time we have a day that's chilly and/or damp, but until then I'll be outside recharging in the sun!

1 comment:

  1. Great Idea! As long as All the kitties avoid sticking their little kitty paws into the melty cooling fire starters!! So happy you are feeling sun-warmed and solar-powered and productive!!
