Saturday, March 14, 2020

End of the World Baking

I really wish the coronavirus had hit during better weather. If it had, I would be taking my kiddos hiking every day and spending lots of time outside playing, having fun, and swearing at mosquitos (nobody's perfect). Unfortunately, we've had rain consistently for about the last week, and are expecting a combination of rain and snow and an absence of sunshine for about the next two weeks. This is not weather I want to be hiking in, especially with two small boys. But it's also not a viral climate I want to be taking my munchkins to the movies or mall or trampoline park in (basically the only places that haven't announced yet that they're closing). Which means we're stuck at home roughly 24/7 with just each other and the dog for company. Which means lots of baking. And crafts. And television. And more baking.

So far, we've made end of the world brownies.

Spicy cookies (aka gingerbread, if you're not 3).

Pumpkin muffins.

And we made a Target run to pick up new games, craft stuff, and more baking supplies.

Not to mention all the extra effort we've been putting in to dinners...

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