Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Why I Don't Cover Up When Breastfeeding In Public

I've always been modest when it comes to showing my body. Don't get me wrong, I wear short shorts and tank tops in the summer. But I try to keep it classy. No pretending that sheer tights are really leggings and/or can be worn instead of pants.

So when it came to planning how I was going to feed Baby, I wasn't quite sure what I would be comfortable doing. I knew I wanted to breastfeed, so I expected to carry around one of those cute breastfeeding covers that doubles as an infinity scarf. Baby is here, and I don't own one. And I probably I wouldn't use it if I did.

One of my defining breastfeeding moments happened in Target. (I feel like everything happens at Target. I love Target. Anyway...) Baby and I were most of the way through the store, and he decided he was HUNGRY. So I pulled down my shirt and we breastfed in the toothpaste aisle in Target.

Because that's what Baby needed, and the hell with anyone else.

Although I will say the furniture section is a much more comfortable and relaxing place to breastfeed than the toothpaste aisle. If Baby can wait that long. If we're being real, the backseat of the car is even better. Better for me, that is. What's better for Baby is whatever fills his little hungry belly faster, so that's what we're going to do. And if that means a few strangers see some boob, so be it. They're not really even my boobs; I didn't get them until Baby, so I'm pretty sure they belong to him. And for the foreseeable future, they're his whenever he decides it's boob time.