Sunday, February 1, 2015

If You Give a Bonnie a Ladder

If you give me some free time, and if Nick is home but doing homework...

I'm going to want to do home improvements. 

If I want to do home improvements, I'm going to look for a ladder.

If I find a ladder, I'm going to get on the roof.

If I get on the roof, I'm going to see that the gutter needs cleaning.

If I clean the gutter, Roxy is going to want to help.

If Roxy decides to help, she's going to try to eat the leaves and dirt and everything else that's getting chucked off the roof... And she's going to get dirty.

If Roxy gets dirty, she's going to need a shower.

If Roxy is getting a shower, we might as well shower the kitties, too.

If we're going to shower the kitties, we're going to have to find them.

If we're trying to find the kitties, Mr Grey will have vanished.

If Mr Grey has vanished, we're going to have to search for him.

If Nick goes outside to search for him, I'm going to search inside.

If I'm searching around inside, I'm going to notice Mr Grey through the window.

If I notice Mr Grey through the window, I'm going to have to run outside naked as a jaybird to grab him. 

If I have to run outside naked as a jaybird, I'm going to be glad we don't have more neighbors.

1 comment:

  1. Ahhhhh ha ha ha ha ha ha ! ! ! I bet it was a little Chilly out there on the mountain!!! Ahhhh ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ! ! !
