Sunday, February 22, 2015


Here in Southern California, spring seems to have come early this year (sorry, rest of the US... actually, not really). On our lovely mountain, it has only really snowed once, and that wasn't technically even this year (we woke up to 14 inches of snow on New Year's Eve, which, while this winter, was officially last year). 

So all of our plants and animals think it's springtime. The squirrels are acting frisky, and there are daffodils blooming everywhere. 

Let me repeat: EVERYWHERE. 

Now, I don't exactly despise daffodils, but they're certainly not my favorite flowers, either. They've always seemed very plain to me. So why the **** are they in every single yard here? I finally asked one of our neighbors: it's because nothing eats them. Not the squirrels, not the deer, not the gophers. So now I can't decide whether to leave the 20 or so daffodils that popped up unannounced in our yard or to rip them out of the ground and replace them with something useful (which was my original plan). Maybe I'll wait and see if someone else makes the decision for me. Perhaps Roxy will dig them up, even if the frisky squirrels won't touch them.

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