Friday, April 19, 2013


After (admittedly) not making a whole lot of progress with wedding planning since The Dress, today has been a veritable whirlwind of activity. 

Part One

I had a meeting with the Winery's Event Coordinator this morning. As my honey had to work this morning, I took my Mommy along for guidance and moral support (this was the first time I've actually met with the Event Coordinator; previously we've just emailed). We discussed all sorts of details. Skipping the traditional formal wedding seating and having a more lounge-y setup instead? No problem. Candles on the tables? No problem. Need suggestions for a florist? No problem. Buffet? Now, that's a problem.

Huh? Why is having a Buffet such a catastrophe? If we're not having a seating chart or tables of ten, how would we not have a Buffet? 

She says we can have a Station instead. I have no idea what that means, and somewhat of a disagreement ensues. Finally she explains what a Station is: a table with various types of food on it (which we've already picked out and discussed with the (possibly) Chef), with servers on one side and guests holding plates on the other. This sounds oddly exactly like a Buffet to me, so she expounds further. In a Buffet, people can go back for seconds so there has to be extra food; in a Station, people only get to go once, so we don't need to have extra food. Okie dokie. We can call it a Station if she wants to, but it's still a Buffet. Just not an all-you-can-eat Buffet. Problem solved.

Part Two

I've already discussed the difference between Yours, Mine, and Ours. The current example: "Do you want to take your car or my car?" Every. Single. Day. If we take my car, I drive, because it puts me on edge whenever anyone else drives my car (yes, even the man I'm going to marry--I'm working on it). If we take his car, he drives, because it has a Manual Transmission which I have yet to master (I had my first lesson in his Camaro, which has too much power and scared the snot out of me--again, I'm working on it). 

We've agreed that it would probably be easier if we had an Our car for running errands and going on road trips and such. Not something too expensive; we still want to save money up to buy a home. Probably used. He's been scouring Craigslist (for vehicles, duh) for a couple of months. The possibilities are endless: do we want a truck so we can haul stuff when we do end up doing the house thing, or do we want a hatchback so we can have the hauling capacity and good fuel economy, or do we want a Jeep so we don't have to worry about annoyances like whether or not we're on a road? 

We bought one today. It's old and needs a lot of TLC, but overall it's a good little Jeep. I'm sure my honey will do a majority of the work on it, but it will be our first big project together. That's right: Ours.

Part Three

My right hand was severely wounded the other day by one of the furry beasties (apparently cat mouths are havens for germs and thus get infected and require antibiotics even when you thought you'd cleaned it pretty freaking thoroughly). The swelling resulted in an inability to properly hold a pen, but I can finally do that again without too terribly much discomfort. Which means I get to address our Save the Date cards today (I have better handwriting than my honey; it's a girl thing). And by today, I mean right now. Ta!

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