Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Good Morning!

I was never a morning person. Exactly the opposite: I was the one staying up late to watch SNL, go to a movie premier, or even finish a good book at 3am. I took a class on this in college. The course title was Circadian Rhythms; it was about the biological clock that exists inside every living thing (even fungi) and regulates when our bodies want to be awake or asleep, or what kinds of activities we should be doing. It was a pretty cool class (maybe not the bit about the fungi). Did you know that your biological clock is what keeps you from having to get up in the middle of the night to poop? Now you do. You're welcome.

One day, the professor of this class was talking about sleep patterns. He said, "I used to be a night owl just like most of you. I'd stay up all night and then sleep til noon. And then one day, I couldn't. I woke up at 6am, couldn't go back to sleep, and it's been that way ever since. It'll probably happen to you someday." When you're in your third year of college, you think "yeah, right." And then it does.

My honey has to leave for work at 6:30 every morning. In order to accomplish this, he needs to go to bed by around 9 or 10 (depending on what's on tv--he'll stay up late for a new episode of Vikings or Walking Dead). This typically hasn't been my cup of tea, but I happen to believe that going to bed at the same time is one of the things that strengthens our relationship (what can I say? I'm a cuddler). Even if I'm not tired, I'll make the effort. And I've noticed something: I'm getting up earlier. And I don't hate it.

Most days, I'm showered and dressed by 8. And I've taken the dog out. And given the appropriate foods and medications to the appropriate animals. And maybe even caught up on last night's Colbert Report. Or written a blog post. I'm still amazed at how much I can get done in the morning when I would otherwise have been still snoozing. Before work today, I'll even be able to go to the DMW to register the Jeep. Hopefully. With the DMW, you never know.

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