Thursday, April 11, 2019

Gratitude journals

As much as I enjoy writing, I have always been terrible at journaling. I probably started at least a dozen diaries and journals growing up, but never kept them up for more than a couple of weeks. Not that that’s bad. I think I mostly started them when I had a lot going on and needed an outlet for expressing myself, and then stopped once I felt like I had my shit figured out. 

A gratitude journal isn't like that. It's a completely different kind of reflection. The purpose of a gratitude journal is to take time at the end of the day and think about the good things that happened in your day and why they happened. It's supposed to help foster mindfulness and create a more positive mindset by making you focus on good things, even if only for a minute.

For example, my journal for today would be:

1.  I got to work in my garden because we have a lot of outdoor space and the sun was shining.
2.  My toddler and I had delicious donuts for breakfast because he wanted to bake with me this morning.
3.  I took time to write because I'm trying to make myself a priority.

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