Friday, April 1, 2016


At this point, I might as well just come right out and say it: I'm pregnant. 

My honey and I have known about the tiny human growing inside me since Valentine's, but didn't want to announce it right away for the usual reasons. We shared a little before the recommended twelve weeks, but I already haven't been able to button my pants for several weeks and anyone looking at me would be able to tell I'm starting to have a belly. 

All of this means, though, that I have a lot of early-pregnancy stuff to catch up on here before my memory fails completely (I'm already partway there thanks to constant exhaustion. Growing a human is hard work). 

For now, I'll stick with the short version: no nausea (yay!) but I'm exhausted all the time. And I'm so glad I learned early on that looping a ponytail band through a button hole makes it less obvious that your pants don't fit (also yay!). Preggo pants most likely coming soon. 

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