Monday, January 26, 2015


In the evenings, my honey likes to watch the news. We watch the news on several different channels in an attempt to get a well-rounded idea of what's going on in the world, and what different channels deem to be of importance. We've noticed an alarming trend spreading across channels. 

The news seems to have lost sight of what News is. The dictionary defines News as "a report of a recent event; information; the presentation of a report on recent or new news" ( And yet, the news "reports" on television try to sensationalize more stories than they actually report. They turn everything into a NewsPocalypse, NewsGate, or NewsAgeddon. At the risk of sounding like NPR, isn't it time to put News back on the news, and get rid of the sensationalist verbiage that is nothing more than a pathetic fight over ratings? 

In other news, isn't "news" one of those words that sounds like nonsense when repeated multiple times? 


  1. Couldn't agree more. BBC America is our best bet locally other than NPR. Hell, Coast to Coast is more factual than our local news.

  2. My complaint is how often 'reporters' are standing out in the rain/snow (whatever) asking peoples opinions/feelings on the current storm (or whatever) It's Cold - it's wet. Wear a jacket, carry an umbrella . . . who cares what these strangers think about the storm/disaster/excitement . . . whatever . . . it's Not News!!
