Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Dear America,

I've been trying to stay out of this and let you make up your own mind. You're a grown-up, after all, and entitled to your own opinions. 

But seriously: what the fuck were you thinking?

If you really wanted to play the rebellious teenager, couldn't you have thought about that during the primaries and made it official with Bernie? 

As one of my friends says, "you're entitled to your own opinions, but not your own facts." Regardless of your opinions about the other candidate, the fact is that you've just selected someone to lead the free world who has been endorsed by Russia, North Korea, and the KKK. 

Don't get me wrong: I'm not mad. What I am is disappointed. I thought you were better than that--than dictatorships, racism, and hatred. I am disappointed that I will have to teach my son to be better than the nation we live in, because our family is not a dictatorship but I will not have our home filled with racism or hatred. I am disappointed that there are so many people in this great nation who don't see that this is a great nation.

And yet, we will go on. In time, I will teach my son to rise above adversity and to be a good person. But first, I will try to live every day to be the change I wish to see in the world. Which means doing more. Living more, loving more, adventuring more. Trying more new things, and most likely failing more as a result. Keeping my sense of humor. And changing lots of poopy diapers.

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