Sunday, June 28, 2015

Adventures in Dinner

My honey doesn't often have time to go to the grocery store. But when he does, the results are markedly different than when I do the shopping. 

The essence of his shopping trips is "I like that. I'll get it." Whereas I usually try to buy ingredients that go together to make cohesive(ish) meals. Once, when I asked my honey to get groceries, he brought home: pizza rolls, frozen corn dogs, cereal, milk, and beer. Which would be great if we were a couple of bros in college, but we're not. 

Last week, we went to the store together. As we wandered through the produce section, my honey stumbled upon the peppers. "Ooh, jalapeños... Let's do jalapeño poppers." Now, I have never eaten a jalapeño popper, much less made one. I have no idea what else we might need. I assume there's cheese involved. Most foods worth eating involve cheese. Did my honey decide to purchase cheese to go with our jalapeños? He did not. 

Tonight, I decided to go for the poppers. Fortunately, there is almost always cheese in our fridge. A little cream cheese, some mozzarella, a dash of hot sauce, and we were in business. I have to say, they were pretty good. 

I may have to go with my honey's random food cravings more often. Perhaps starting with corn dogs. Mmm corn dogs. 

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