Friday, December 4, 2015

chicken noodle soup

A couple weeks ago, my honey asked "when's the last time we were sick? We haven't been sick in awhile..." I immediately shushed him and looked around for something wooden to knock on (not difficult in our home, which is almost entirely wood). So, naturally, I've caught some version of the crud and have a pot of chicken noodle soup simmering on the stove. Just in time to be all snotty and gross for graduation this weekend.  

Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Another Chapter

At almost exactly the same moment in my life when my hubby and I got hitched, I also began another chapter in my life. It was that thing that all college graduates dread: I went back to school. Thankfully, this wasn't your typical sit in a classroom taking notes then try to remember it all for a test. I learned something even better than if I'd been sitting in a classroom day after day.

I learned that it's okay to fail, as long as you try something new.

I tried composting with worms, which failed because they got overthrown by maggots. I tried to figure out if bats prefer to hang out near a bat box, which failed because they left for the winter. I tried automated composting, which failed because the motor got gummed up. I tried to get my neighbors to recycle electronics, which failed because they already do. I tried composting in a tumbler, which didn't fail!

As this particular chapter of my life draws to a close, I know I will carry on trying new things. Some of them will fail (like the color paint I tried near the fireplace, or the new recipe I tried for dinner last night). Others will not fail (like trying to make my own fire starters, or trying to grow an indoor kitchen garden (technically, the jury is still out on this one, but I'm being optimistic)). 

Without school, I'll have time to try to deliciously infuse more homegrown foods into our diet, try to figure out how to keep the kitties out of the dresser (yes, it's that much of a problem), and try to get more excited about football.