Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Accidental Housewife

For the past several weeks, I have found myself to be an accidental housewife. Which essentially means I have been on a hiatus from working. Which has been fantastic.

Contrary to the popular mythology, I have not been getting into screaming matches with other housewives. Nor have I been sitting around in pajamas drinking mimosas and eating bonbons.

I've been busy getting things done. In addition to coordinating all of our appliance deliveries and making sure none of them frightened the dog, I've finished unpacking (mostly). I've made countless trips to home improvement stores to get things for the house, the yard, and the water feature that is still balanced precariously between hot tub, pond, and primordial sludge. I've planted vegetables and waged war on the critters trying to eat them. I've cleaned up after the cat when he nabs the critters (three mice, a lizard, and a young squirrel, to date. Unfortunately, no gophers).

I've also been preparing for the end of my time as an accidental housewife. At some point, I will have to rejoin the workforce. Probably sooner rather than later. And I want to simplify my (and my hubby's) life for when that happens.

I've come across a trend called freezer meals. Basically, you prepare a meal (preferably from scratch) and then freeze it for later, to be thawed, heated, and eaten when you have less time to make dinner but still want a delicious home-cooked meal. A delicious home-cooked meal is more or less a nightly occurrence on the Mountain, because, oddly enough, no restaurants are willing to deliver. Which is probably going to keep us healthier in the long run.

Monday, July 7, 2014


My honey and I haven't exactly had the easiest time settling into our new home. Delivery drivers don't want to trek onto the dirt road (and then they get lost once they do). The water heater broke. There are mice living in the walls (three fewer than there were before, thanks to our illustrious cat). The dryer keeps tripping the breaker. Something keeps eating my herb garden. The kitchen faucet started to leak. We're 30 miles from the nearest grocery store (I don't trust the meat counter at the liquor store). We still don't have a long-term way to dispose of trash. 

But I know we made the right decision about our home because of one simple thing: we both get excited about it. Whenever people find out about where we live, we both start gushing about how awesome it is. And that's pretty awesome, too.